Tag: Resolutions

Episode 17 – Celebrating You: Acknowledging the Joy of Being

(Released January 2, 2016)

In episode 17, we discuss the tradition of change and New Year’s resolutions from both the secular and the spiritual perspective. While society pressures us to make resolutions and changes solely based on the calendar date, that approach fails to take into account our own individual cycles,  karma and the fact that we may be exactly where we are supposed to be at this moment in our lives.

In this episode:

  • The spiritual origins behind New Year’s resolutions
  • Traditions of reflection, introspection and change
  • Is this a time NOT to make a change?
  • Blame and the self-help culture
  • Internal versus external standards
  • Failure and self esteem
  • Much, much more….

Society inundates us with the message that we need to use the beginning of the year to make the changes in order to become the person we are meant to be: Lose weight, follow your dream and  become more productive. But what if we aren’t prepared to make and follow through on those kinds of changes? And how do we make any kind of profound, long-lasting change if we do not accept and celebrate ourselves for who we already are?

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About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit jim1537.com. Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

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