Tag: global change

Episode 20. Navigating Life-Altering Change

(Released January 11, 2021)

In episode 20, Jim1537 and his wife Meremystic, discuss navigating periods of devastating and life-altering change. Recorded in the midst of a Global pandemic, this timely episode offers spiritual background and perspective on life-altering changes that range from the personal to the global. 

In this episode:

  • Spiritual aspects of life-altering change
  • Types of changes: global, regional, group and personal
  • The disconnect between human perception and spiritual reality
  • Past life ties to life-altering changes
  • Karmic elements
  • Emotional responses
  • And much, much more

Ultimately, nothing triggers our feeling of being out of control like devastating, life-altering events, especially when they are on the global level. Yet, these are the events for which we must be fully present to both deal with the circumstantial events and learn the evolutionary lessons we were sent here to learn.

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About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book.

You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit jim1537.com. Jim also shares his insights on Facebook, Twitter,  Tumblr, and Instagram.

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