Author: meremystic

Episode 20. Navigating Life-Altering Change

(Released January 11, 2021)

In episode 20, Jim1537 and his wife Meremystic, discuss navigating periods of devastating and life-altering change. Recorded in the midst of a Global pandemic, this timely episode offers spiritual background and perspective on life-altering changes that range from the personal to the global. 

In this episode:

  • Spiritual aspects of life-altering change
  • Types of changes: global, regional, group and personal
  • The disconnect between human perception and spiritual reality
  • Past life ties to life-altering changes
  • Karmic elements
  • Emotional responses
  • And much, much more

Ultimately, nothing triggers our feeling of being out of control like devastating, life-altering events, especially when they are on the global level. Yet, these are the events for which we must be fully present to both deal with the circumstantial events and learn the evolutionary lessons we were sent here to learn.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher  our Libsyn showpage and on your favorite podcast player!

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book.

You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Facebook, Twitter,  Tumblr, and Instagram.

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Episode 19: Emotions, Impulse or Intuition – Which is it?

(Released May 5, 2016)

In episode 19, Jim 1537 and his wife, Meremysic, discuss the topic of intuition, how we recognize it and how we separate an intuitive feeling from our own emotions. This is one of our most frequently asked questions. As each of us begins to open up and work with the intuitive side of our natures, we find ourselves needing to be able to separate the responses of higher mind from our own feelings and emotions.

In this episode:

  • What is intuition?
  • Maximum and aphorisms: cultural acknowledgments of intuition
  • Insights, warnings, guidance and options
  • intuition is part of our divine nature
  • Intuitive flashes
  • Ego, emotions and our intuition
  • Confirmation, validation and attachment
  • Karma and intuition
  • And much, much more.

As spiritual people, we are told to trust our intuition.  But how do our own desires and attachments color our intuitive perceptions? Being able to tell the difference between our own feelings and the intuitive guidance we receive is critical to using this gift to its fullest potential.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen on iTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page. We now have a Facebook page for the podcast, so come by, give us a like and say “Hi!”

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Podcast News: Facebook and Patreon

This has been a busy time for us. Jim1537 is working to put the finishing touches on his next book. We’ve been busy working behind the scenes on podcast related projects.  We now have a couple of announcements to share:

Facebook: We have created Facebook pages for both Jim1537 and for the podcast! They are still very  bare bones, but we will be posting more over the next few weeks and getting them into shape, LOL! Please feel free to drop by, say hello, give us a like and leave us a comment. We would love to connect with you! ♥

Patreon: We have had a lot of feedback asking for more than one episode a month. We would love to do that, but it means less time for making a living to as well as increased direct costs (hosting, etc.). In order to accomplish the goal of providing more content monthly, we have started a Patreon account. Here’s our video explaining why we we need your support:

If you would like to support what we are doing, please check out our podcast Patreon page.

So , what do you think? Leave us a comment!


Episode 18 – Valentines Day Episode: A Life Filled With Love

(Released February 14, 2016)

It’s a Valentine’s Day episode! In episode 18, Jim1537 and his wife, Meremystic, talk about a life filled with love, starting by looking first at the subject through the lens of Valentine’s Day and its traditional tropes, trappings and focus on romantic love. We then go on to address the true definition of love and the importance of self-love as well as its role as the cornerstone of it throughout our journey.

In this episode:

  • The trappings of Valentine’s Day
  • Self-esteem and self-love
  • Building on love in a holistic fashion
  • Finding love in all areas of our life
  • Understanding unconditional love
  • Tough love and rejection
  • Soulmates and karmic relationships
  • and much, much more….

Understanding and growing into love is an essential step in our journey to conscious spiritual living. As we examine its role in our lives, we expand our awareness. By learning to live a life filled with love, we open our hearts to the circle of the divine energy that is already present and how that nurtures and transform our lives.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen oniTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Episode 17 – Celebrating You: Acknowledging the Joy of Being

(Released January 2, 2016)

In episode 17, we discuss the tradition of change and New Year’s resolutions from both the secular and the spiritual perspective. While society pressures us to make resolutions and changes solely based on the calendar date, that approach fails to take into account our own individual cycles,  karma and the fact that we may be exactly where we are supposed to be at this moment in our lives.

In this episode:

  • The spiritual origins behind New Year’s resolutions
  • Traditions of reflection, introspection and change
  • Is this a time NOT to make a change?
  • Blame and the self-help culture
  • Internal versus external standards
  • Failure and self esteem
  • Much, much more….

Society inundates us with the message that we need to use the beginning of the year to make the changes in order to become the person we are meant to be: Lose weight, follow your dream and  become more productive. But what if we aren’t prepared to make and follow through on those kinds of changes? And how do we make any kind of profound, long-lasting change if we do not accept and celebrate ourselves for who we already are?

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen on iTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Episode 16: Making the Connection: Our Need For Belonging

(Released December 8, 2015)

In episode 16, Jim1537 and his wife, Meremystic, discuss the spiritual aspect of connection and belonging.  As spiritual beings, we instinctively understand the need for oneness and connection. This is an aspect of our spirituality that most religions address. But, realizing that sense of connection and belonging while in a physical body AND dealing with our karmic lessons at the same time complicates the issue. In fact, it affects every relationship and every experience we have throughout our physical journey.

In this episode:

  • Our spiritual need for connection and belonging
  • The family: connections and expectations
  • Our first lessons
  • Rebellion and our true essence
  • Making and breaking connections
  • Rejection and our sense of belonging
  • Much, much more….

Throughout our lives, we struggle with balancing our individuality with our need for connection. Whether it is the first connection map we form with our family and caregivers, the relationship that we feel completes us or the sense of rejection and fear that isolates us, connection and belonging are issues that speak to the core of our spiritual being.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen on iTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Thanksgiving Episode Reprise

When we first started the podcast back in 2013,  we did a special episode called Thanksgiving – A Time for Gratitude. That episode speaks to the power of the timeless quality of giving thanks and expressing gratitude. It is as relevant today in 2015 as it was when we recorded it.

In this episode, we talk about the importance of gratitude, what gratitude is and how it changes our perception of the world around us. We discuss the concept of practicing the “attitude of gratitude” and the tremendous benefits that come from the practice. We also give tips and tools that can be helpful during the holiday season.

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can also listen on iTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Jim1537 and Meremystic

Support the podcast on Patreon


Episode 15: Our Desire for Control

(Released October 31, 2015)

In episode 15, Jim1537 and his wife, Meremystic, discuss the spiritual aspect of control. From a spiritual perspective, we usually see control presented as either something we surrender (such as to the will of God) or as something we harness for our own desires (as in the Law of Attraction). In reality, it is a topic with much more subtlety than one might first suppose.

Join us as we discuss the role this issues plays in our journey of transformation.

In this episode:

  • Trying to gain control of our lives
  • People who refuse to take control
  • Fear of losing control
  • Asking why and understanding as a form of control
  • Control as a survival mechanism
  • Past life connections
  • and much, much more!

Is control a good thing or a bad thing? Is it something we should strive for or avoid? How much control is it even possible to have in our lives? Control is an issue that all of us face in our journey. In this podcast, we examine the highly nuanced and complex aspects of control and how they apply to each of us.  Learn some of the factors that affect this subject such as past lives, our egos and our individual lessons.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Episode 14: I Didn’t See That Coming: Choices, Curveballs and Consequences

(Released September 30, 2015)

In episode 14, Jim1537 and his wife, Meremystic, discuss situations and events which, like a curve ball, can throw our lives totally off track.  How do we process those events?  Are they random? Is there a deeper meaning that we don’t understand? Do they happen for a reason? Why didn’t we see these things coming?

In this episode:

  • Asking and processing why
  • Decisions and consequences
  • How other people’s choices and decisions affect us
  • Hidden meanings behind events
  • Past lives and karma
  • The truth about predestination
  • The role of intuition and psychics
  • And much, much, more.

Unexpected events can challenge our sense of confidence, identity, our view of the world and sometimes, the actual reason for life’s purpose. Understanding the many forces behind unexpected events provides us with a comprehensive understanding of why things happen in the way they do, our role in the process, as well as the deeper spiritual significance of the various passages we happen to find ourselves in.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen oniTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon


Episode 13: Finding Spiritual Growth in Unexpected ways

(Released August 31, 2015)

In episode 13, Jim1537 and his wife, Meremystic, discuss expectations about what kinds of circumstances and situations lend themselves to growing spiritually. And, surprisingly, the answers may not be what you think. They also discuss the steps available to help trigger, maximize and facilitate growth on the spiritual journey.

In this episode:

  • The directly spiritual path
  • The unexpected spiritual path
  • How relationships lead to growth
  • The lessons involved in difficult circumstances and events
  • Individual lessons and how they manifest in our journey.
  • Lessons of patience, tolerance and self esteem
  • Addiction: A Case study
  • and much, much more….

Those who are trying to lead a spiritual life place a great deal of emphasis on how we consciously cultivate our spirituality. Usually, we tend to think in terms of actions that we consider to be directly spiritual like yoga and mind-body integration, meditation, etc. In reality, that is only one of the ways we further our spiritual growth. By understanding the way that spiritual lessons and growth opportunities manifest in our life on a multitude of levels, we are able to maximize the integration of both our physical and spiritual lives.

Listen here:

Problems playing the podcast? You can also listen oniTunes,Stitcher or our Libsyn showpage.

About Jim1537:

Jim1537 is an experienced psychic, spiritual medium, teacher and life coach who has provided personal consultations for over thirty years. His most recent book is When Our Pets Leave Us: Animals in the Spirit World. His first book, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You, is also available as an e-book. To learn more about Jim and his gifts, visit Jim also shares his insights on Twitter,  Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.

More Podcast News:

The podcast has its own Twitter account! You can follow and get the latest podcast news on Twitter at @MFTPodcast. You can also find us on the podcast’s Google+ page.

If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to the channel on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us a rating!

Support the podcast on Patreon
